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WCU Stories

Joseph Love

Online Master's Degree Program in Construction Management Builds a Career

A few years ago, Joseph Love, now a construction coordinator for Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, looked at Western Carolina University and its master's degree program in construction management as the curriculum he wanted and the career-building block he needed.  

Irene Hamrick

Medical director fights COVID-19 with legacy of tenacity

As news broke that a deadly international virus was churning its way across the United States and killing the country’s most vulnerable population, Dr. Irene Hamrick wasted no time in battening down the hatches to protect her patients at a Department of Veterans Affairs nursing home in Ohio.   

WCU Campus

But wait…there’s more! List of faculty, staff award nominees expands

Because of a technical glitch, the names of several nominees for top WCU faculty and staff honors scheduled to be announced as the semester draws to a close were accidentally omitted from a previously published list of contenders.  


Collaborative innovation drives solutions in Catawba County

With the onset of COVID-19, health care systems across the country began assessing readiness in the event of a surge of COVID-19 patients. Catawba Valley Health System in Catawba County, North Carolina, was no different.  


Zsolt Szabo selected to judge international trombone competition

Zsolt Szabo, Western Carolina University’s assistant professor of trombone and euphonium, has been chosen to join a select group of internationally renowned trombone players to judge an online competition.  

Spencer Childers in cap and gown


When Spencer Childers decided to attend Western Carolina University four years ago, he couldn’t possibly anticipate the roller coaster ride he would take.  

WCU Campus

WCU to offer online introduction to Cherokee course

Western Carolina University’s Office of Professional Growth and Enrichment will be offering a four-week online introduction to Cherokee course entitled “Cherokee 101 – Online,” July 6-31.  


Honors College reading project donates to local school meals program

With WCU's 'Book Buddies' program cut short this year, the Honors College is donating $450 to help cover expenses for Smokey Mountain Elementary School's meals-at-home program.  

Annie Vasquez

Annie Vasquez: The Value of People

Annie Vasquez, a graduating senior studying Spanish, was drawn to Western Carolina University by its close-knit community and the importance the university places on every student. She knew that becoming a Catamount would mean that she would be more than just a number in a system, rather she would be valued as a person.  

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